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COVID-19 in British Columbia: Dr. Bonnie Henry discusses latest modelling data – December 23, 2020
COVID-19: Dr. Bonnie Henry updates vaccine plan and coronavirus modelling | Vancouver Sun
COVID-19: Dr. Bonnie Henry presents latest coronavirus modelling | Vancouver Sun
COVID-19: Dr. Bonnie Henry presents latest coronavirus modelling for B.C. | Vancouver Sun
Coronavirus: BC flattening the COVID-19 curve but not out of ‘danger zone’: modelling| FULL
Dr. Bonnie Henry and Adrian Dix give update on COVID-19, including latest modelling | CHEK News
COVID-19: Dr. Bonnie Henry gives snapshot of the spread of coronavirus in B.C. | Vancouver Sun
COVID-19: B.C. waiting and planning for Moderna vaccine, Dr. Henry says | Vancouver Sun
COVID-19: BC to present modelling data looking back at first year of pandemic | FULL
British Columbia releases updated COVID-19 modelling – June 4, 2020
Dr. Bonnie Henry and Adrian Dix show B.C.'s latest epidemiological modelling for COVID-19
COVID-19: Dr. Bonnie Henry reports 723 new coronavirus cases, 28 deaths | Vancouver Sun